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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Any trained Medical professional can make this diagnosis and a letter.

Subject: Request for Assistance in Istanbul Protocol-Related Medical Torture and Medical Ill-Treatments Diagnosis

Dear [Health Professional's Name],

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is [Angela Kneale], and I am reaching out to seek your valuable expertise and assistance regarding a critical matter related to medical torture documentation and medical diagnosis for torture victims.As a survivor [of biotoxins illness since 2013], I have been actively involved in researching and addressing cases of cyber torture and ill-treatment.

 My aim is to raise awareness about this distressing issue and ensure that victims receive the necessary medical attention and support they need, adhering to the stringent international standards within the Istanbul Protocol.

To further advocate for the victims and their rights, I am currently in the process of compiling comprehensive documentation that includes medical diagnoses using internationally recognized ICD-10 and ICD-11 codes. 
Please visit my substack for my complete list. Some of the specific codes related to inappropriate vaccine and trauma induced by the use of advanced technologies are outlined below:

⚫ Inappropriate Vaccine: ICD-10 Code: T88.1 (Adverse effect of drugs, medicaments, and biological substances) ⚫ Trauma induced by the use of advanced technologies: ICD-10 Code: T76.89 (Other specified effects of other external causes) ⚫ ICD-11 Code: 1E96.Y (Sequelae of assault by bodily force)

Your expertise in this field is crucial to proceed effectively with this initiative.
I have also attached a sample letter to consider for a general complaint to the UN. Though proper training on this matter will aid efforts by legal professionals.

While some NGO health professionals advocate for ICD additions for new and exotic technology symptoms, it seems like a long wait.

Victims need assistance now, and require trained professionals who can write a medical diagnosis for ill treatment and/or torture.

 I kindly request your support and collaboration in reviewing and validating the documentation I am compiling. Your valuable insights will significantly contribute to our collective efforts to address and combat medical torture and ill-treatments effectively.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response and potential collaboration.

Angela Kneale

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