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Monday, April 25, 2022

Write to pesticide companies for animals:

Outside of Hawaii and California, there is a severe lack of Asian language translators and Asian translations on toxic products such as pesticides and household cleaners.  In addition to pesticide testing that is halted on dogs in Japan, it would be nice to see the USA follow suit.

1. Write to chemical companies to put large warnings that these pesticides are not to be used around food preparation areas, in food, on bedding, on couches, and on pets.
Especially if it is a product like Roundup or other insect control products.

2. Write to chemical companies to put warnings to decrease hoarding and clutter  that adds to pest infestation;- and to list the pests/rodents. 

It's time that these companies that take animal and insect life, and pollute water and homes are held accountable. They must be required to include "pest prevention" instructions in multiple languages with their products. And even make hoarding videos on display in stores (online and real life) to show how deep infestation looks.

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